There are about 1600000000000000 blades of grass on earth. But still grass is an undervalued plant. Everyone just steps on it. Anne Geene has been collecting grass from well-known lawns or grass that grew in well-known places for several years now. From football stations to cemeteries, from the Roman Forum to the Acropolis. The individual blades of grass are shown in small sketchbooks. For Galerie Block C and ARTisBOOK, this project will be expanded (or actually reduced) to grass from Groningen only. A reference to the problems related to the gas production in Groningen where undervaluation of the region also played an important role. So time for an ode to grass. Grass from well-known Groningen residents (Ben Feringa, Arjen Robben), as well as well-known Groningen fields (Euroborg, Noorderplantsoen) and her existing collection will be on display. In addition, visitors can bring their own blade of grass to the gallery. Provided with location and a short story they will be joined in a book that grows during the exhibition. A gruestbook.
Gronings Gras | Grass from Groningen
11 03 23
15 04 23